Queen Letizia returns to television after scandal of infidelity to King Felipe VI

The Queen Letizia of Spain has been linked in a controversial scandal that ensures an alleged infidelity that she would have committed to the king Philip VI with his ex brother-in-law Jaime Burg, who has been responsible for disclosing the details of his alleged love affair. But now, the monarch has already sought numerous measures to ignore what is happening.

After a long time, Doña Letizia has returned to the television national. As a guest of honor to speak about the Gomaespuma Foundation, which is dedicated to promoting culture and promoting education among the most disadvantaged social groups around the world, the monarch was the protagonist of a commercial that arrives in the middle of the darkest moment for the image of the monarch.

Having at his side Juan Luis Cano already William Fresser, Letizia promoted the audiovisual material, which came to light last Tuesday, December 26. In addition, it was revealed that the profits from it will go to the foundation, an entity that ensures the promotion of education and culture in Spain and other parts of the world.

“I am here with the Foam Foundation and with all the projects it develops in so many countries, also in Spain, with this program on the social education and emotions, which truly is a tool that prevents any psychological discomfort, which is what mental health is all about.

The last days of the year 2023 have been one of total turbulence for the queen Letizia. However, it seems that these activities, like her reappearance on television, would be evidence of her attempts to stay active in different ways. social works or those linked to her duties as Head of State.

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