Queen Margaret of Denmark announces that she will renounce her throne on January 14

In her New Year’s speech, Queen Margaret of Denmark He has surprised the followers of the crown, after announcing that he will abdicate his throne on January 14, a measure that actually has one main objective; give more power to his eldest son.

Queen Margaret, 83, has announced by surprise that he is abdicating the throne of the monarchy of Denmark during his traditional New Year’s speech. The sovereign, who in 1972 assumed the leadership of the State after the death of her father Frederick IXhas assured that on January 14 he will take a step back, leaving his son, Prince Frederick, at the head of the country as the new monarch.

«In 14 days I will have been queen of Denmark for 52 years. That much time does not pass without a trace for any human being, not even for me! Time passes and ‘diseases increase’. You no longer face the same things as before. In February of this year I underwent extensive back surgery. Everything went well thanks to the qualified health personnel who treated me. Of course, the operation also made us think about the future: if The time had come to hand over responsibility to the next generation.

Federica has been a queen much loved by the public of her countrybeing in turn the longest serving head of state on the throne.

On January 14, 2024 – 52 years after following my beloved father – I will step back like the queen of Denmark. She left the throne to my son, Crown Prince Frederick.. Tonight first and foremost I want to say thank you. Thank you for the warmth and overwhelming support I have received over the years. A thank you to the changing governments, with whom it has always been gratifying to work, and to Parliament, which has always shown confidence in me,” he assured.

In turn, the queen left a important message to her son and daughter-in-law, wishing them to be as loved as she has been for 52 years.

«I hope that the new royal couple is met with the same trust and affection that they have shared with me. They deserve it! ¡Denmark he deserves it! Now I will end my last New Year’s speech with the words I usually do: God bless Denmark, God bless you all.

The Queen Margaret He will abdicate the throne to maintain a life separate from the monarchy. Meanwhile, the Prince Frederick will be the one who now takes the reins of the Royal family Danish.

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