The luxurious gift that Prince William gave Kate Middleton for Christmas

He the prince william of the United Kingdom He has thrown the house out of the window with the detail he has given to his distinguished wife, Kate Middletonfor Christmas celebrations, what is the future monarch’s luxurious gift for his beloved about?

The British royal family He celebrated Christmas Eve in style. And although there were some absences at the table, there was no lack of closeness between the kings and princes of Welshwho also shared with their young children.

But in the middle of the Christmas night, Prince of Wales He would have totally shined with the incredible gift he gave his wife. A former butler of the royal family has assured that it is a jewel that he has received the Wale’s princess from her husband for Christmas.

«With William and Kate, I’m sure they will give themselves something nice that they will like. Kate probably received a Cartier watch or some jewelry from William,” he revealed.

There is no doubt that the prince william He does not skimp when it comes to pleasing his wife Kate Middleton with details that she undoubtedly appreciates too much. The future british kings They have always exuded glamor and elegance, which is why jewelry is a vital complement to their image.

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