A defeat in Ukraine is impossible: Vladimir Putin – El Sol de México

WASHINGTON. President Vladimir Putin told the West that a Russian defeat is “impossible” in Ukrainein a long interview with the American right-wing journalist Tucker Carlsonthe first offered to a Western journalist since the Russian invasion of Ukrainein February 2022.

Carlson, star of the American far-right – expelled from the conservative network Fox News for your ideas radicals– and close to Donald Trumpasked few difficult questions and listened to Putin speak for half an hour on Russian history, portraying the country as a victim of Western betrayals.

Carlson’s trip to Moscow had been widely criticized before the interview due to his position against the support of United States to Ukraine and for his direct attacks on the president Volodymyr Zelenski, who has called “Ukrainian pimp” and “rat.”

But the interview was disappointing, because Putin Not only did he not want to comment on the political future in the US -as expected- but he also did not make concrete proposals to end the war in Ukraine, beyond showing a generic willingness to negotiate.

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This will runs into “instructions from Western countries to which he obeys” Zelensky, which have even led him – Putin said – to sign a decree to ban negotiating with Russiabut he also did not put any offer on the table.

The Russian president defended his decision to invade Ukraine in February 2022 and said that The West now realizes that Russia will not be defeateddespite help from the United States, Europe and the NATO to Kyiv.

“There has been commotion and shouting about inflict a strategic defeat on Russia on the battlefield but Now apparently they are realizing that it is difficult to achieve, if it is possible. In my opinion, it is impossible by definition“, he claimed. “It will never happen”.

He assured that There are “American mercenaries” fighting in Ukrainebeing the largest group after the Poles, and warned against any idea of ​​​​sending regular US soldiers, something that “would bring humanity to the brink of a very serious global conflict”.

About himself Moscow would consider invading other countries in the region such as Poland and Latviawho are members of the NATOor in general on the entire European continent, Putin responded that “I had no interest.”

“Can you imagine a scenario in which you send Russian troops to Poland?” Carlson asked. “Only in one case, if Poland attacks Russia”Putin responded. And he added: “We have no interest in Poland, Latvia or anywhere else. Why would we do it?”

He also ruled out that relations between Washington and Moscow will change with the election of a new American president on November 5probably in a duel between the Democrat Joe Biden and Trump.

“It’s not about who the leader is or a specific person’s personality, but about the elites themselves: is the idea of domination at all costs based on dominant forcess of the society United States”.

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Carlson He did not ask Putin questions about his relationship with Trumpwho has repeatedly praised Putin.

The Kremlin said Putin agreed to the interview because Carlson’s approach differed from “one-sided” reporting. on the Ukrainian conflict from many Western media outlets.

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