Conagua will repair damage from Hurricane Otis – El Sol de México

The reconstruction of the infrastructure hydraulics federal in Acapulco and Coyuca de Benítezin Guerrero, damaged by the passage of Hurricane Otis at the end of last October, requires an investment of 847.8 million pesosaccording to National Water Commission (Conagua).

The project, registered in the Investment Portfolio of the Ministry of Financeindicates that these resources will be used for cleaning, clearing channels and restitution of infrastructure damaged by the storm registered in said municipalities between October 24 and 25, 2023.

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The resources will be allocated to 27 works in Acapulco and Coyuca de Benítezwhich will be carried out between this year and 2026. The works will be carried out by the With water and will benefit more than 82 thousand inhabitants affected by the storm. Most of the investment, equivalent to 533 million pesoswill be carried out during 2025.

TO one month after Hurricane Otisclassified as category 5 and which devastated the hydraulic infrastructure of Acapulco, 90 percent of drinking water supply restored in the city. However, more than three months after the meteorological phenomenon There is still damage to be repaired.

The Conagua project indicates that Of the 27 works to be carried out, the majority, about 20, are located in the port of Acapulco. These are damages such as the accumulation of silt and the breaking of banks in various sections on the banks of the La Sabana River, as well as the plugging of structures and the dragging of material into the stream. El Muerto and the San Isidro River, among others.

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In it municipality of Coyuca de Benítez damage was detected such as silt accumulationthe loss of bars and banks in various bodies of water which, the document points out, increases the risk of flooding in the area. According to Conagua, the works will take an execution period of one year it is proposed that The entire project will conclude in 2026.

However, Only eight of the total works included in the project will be completed by that year. These repairs are added to the recovery of the city’s hydraulic network which, according to Drinking Water Commission and Municipal Seweragerequired an investment of more than 535 million pesos.

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