Activist creates train for disabled dogs in Türkiye (Photos) – El Sol de México

A activist of Türkiyewho watches over the animal rightsbuilt a train to take for a walk puppies with some kind of disability.

Buket Ozlungu is founder of the Pawn Holding onto Life Association in which he gives refuge to about 560 dogsof which 300 have disabilitywhether for a accident or by abuse.

The idea of activist is to provide an opportunity for dogs that they receive care in its Foundation have the opportunity to enjoy the walksas it does any race from his species.

How is the train built?

Buket Ozlungu built the train with drums that he painted in various colors and decorated with tender drawings of happy puppies.

The drumsare the wagons in which it is transported to puppies with disability, They are united with each other and are towed by a quad bike that drives the turkish activist.

The carriages have enough space to ensure that they do not feel uncomfortable and that it is safe for anyone to fall.

They are also short enough to allow air to hit their faces and allow them to see around the places where the train takes them.

Buket Ozlungu had the curiosity to build the train following the personal experience he had with his father, who is a paralyzed man, and whom he takes for a car ride.

Now, the activist’s plan is to better use the vehicle where she transports the animals from her shelter.

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