Adrián Guerrero Caracheo, candidate for Morena councilor in Celaya, is safely located – El Sol de México

CELAYA, Gto.- Adrián Guerrero Caracheo, candidate for the first mayor of Celaya for Morena, was located and is safe and sound.

He government of Guanajuato confirmed to the Mexican Editorial Organization that they are already in contact with Caracheo Warrior to advance the investigations surrounding the murder of the Morena candidate for the municipal presidency of Celaya, Gisela Gaytán.

In addition, it was learned that Adrián Guerrero Caracheo requested protection from the federal government, as he fears for his life. It was even learned that he established communication with the delegation of the Attorney General’s Office of the Republic to activate the security protocols.

In the Morning Conference, the Secretary of the Secretariat of Security and Citizen Protection of the Government of Mexico, Rosa Icela Rodríguez, had reported that Guerrero Caracheo had lost his life in the attack perpetrated in San Miguel Octopan, where the candidate for the municipal presidency died. Gisela Gaytán, while touring the streets of that Celaya community.

Hours later, the same agency issued an information sheet in which it reported that Guerrero Caracheo had not died in the attack, but that he was not located.

Since Monday, April 1, when the murder of the candidate for the municipal presidency of Celaya by Morena, Gisela Gaytán, was announced, there has been a lot of speculation about the situation of Adrián Guerrero, however, on the afternoon of this April 2 It was confirmed that he is still alive, although his whereabouts are unknown.

During the Morning Conference, secretary Rosa Icela had confirmed his death and even regretted the murder of both and assured that these events would not go unpunished, since:

“In the government of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, we are committed to protecting candidates for the different popularly elected positions, that is why there is a job, a plan to protect them and to have a presence of the National Guard in those areas where there is a insecurity problem.”

She also mentioned that together with the National Electoral Institute (INE) they agreed on a service procedure, in which said institute receives requests for protection from candidates and informs them to the secretariat that she heads, which in turn establishes coordination. with the Secretariat of National Defense (SEDENA), who said, “assesses the risk and defines the level of protection required.”

“With this information we respond to the institute so that it informs the political parties and candidates. This protocol helps us not take more than 72 hours to respond to a request as soon as the candidate is contacted. It is up to this secretariat and the secretariat of the interior to be aware and in collaboration with the INE so that the established risk level can be seen: high, medium or low.”

However, shortly before 1:00 p.m., the Secretariat of Security and Citizen Protection of the Government of Mexico sent a statement to announce that the candidate for councilor is not dead, but rather missing.

“In follow-up to the murder of the municipal candidate of Celaya, Guanajuato, Gisela Gaytán, we have been updated with information regarding the candidate for councilor Adrián Guerrero Caracheo, who so far is not located and has not died, as reported this tomorrow. The Secretariat of Security and Citizen Protection (SSPC) is waiting for the progress of the investigations to find his whereabouts,” the information sheet reads.

He contextualized that the federal government is the one that provides protection to the candidates for the presidency of the republic, the nine state governorships and the Congress of the Union, while it is up to the state and municipal governments to do the same with those who aspire to locally elected positions.

After announcing the above, he confirmed that at the beginning of March the candidate and several members and candidates of MORENA had requested protection from the INE and they in turn provided attention that was derived into two parts, one for attention to the candidates federal officials, who were given protection by the National Guard and the part that corresponded to the local candidates was sent to the Local Electoral Public Organization (OPLE).

He indicated that the response of the State Electoral Institute was that it had not yet started the process. Given this, he indicated that an investigation is being carried out to determine responsibilities to find out “where this lack of attention to the candidate is.”

“We have been in communication with the governor after this moment, it is part of the investigations of where the responsibility lies for the failure to protect the candidate.” Despite what happened, she assured that it is safe to campaign in Guanajuato. “It is part of our job to be in coordination with state authorities every day seeking peace and tranquility for the states.”

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