Trump criminalizes migrants and calls them “animals” during rally – El Sol de México

donald trump called “animals” and “non-humans” to the immigrants who are illegally in the United States in a speech given this Tuesday in Michiganresorting to derogatory rhetoric that he has used time and again during the election campaign.

The Republican presidential candidate, flanked by several law enforcement officials, listed several criminal cases involving suspects who were in the country illegally, using often graphic terms, and warned that violence and chaos would consume USA if he did not win the November 5 elections.

When speaking about Laken Riley – a 22-year-old nursing student from Georgia allegedly murdered by a Venezuelan immigrant who was in the country illegally – Trump said some immigrants were subhuman.

“The Democrats say, Please don’t call them animals, they’re humans. I said, ‘No, they’re not humans, they’re not humans, they’re animals,'” said Trump, who is president of USA between 2017 and 2021.

During his speeches, trump often states that immigrants who illegally cross the border with Mexico They have escaped from prisons and asylums in their countries of origin and are fueling crime in the United States.

Although the data available on the immigration status of criminals are rare, researchers say that people living illegally in USA They do not commit violent crimes at a higher rate than citizens born in the country.

Biden Fault to trump to encourage Republicans not to pass this year’s Congress laws that would have strengthened security on the southern border and introduced new measures aimed at reducing illegal immigration.

donald trump is engaging in extreme rhetoric that promotes division, hatred and violence in our country,” said Michael Tyler, communications director for the campaign. Bidento reporters Tuesday before Trump’s speech.

Trump delivered his speech, titled “Biden’s Border Bloodbath” in the city of Grand Rapids, Michigan, which along with Wisconsin They are two swing states that could determine whether Biden or Trump occupy the White House next year.

About 38 percent of Republicans cited the immigration as the country’s main problem in a Reuters/Ipsos poll published at the end of February, as did one in five independents.

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