San José de las Torres lagoon dries up in Morelia – El Sol de México

Morelia, Michoacán.- Due to the drought, the San José de las Torres lagoon, Located near the Jesús del Monte estate in Morelia, it is currently without water.

During a tour that this media made to the area, it was confirmed that the Water body that, in some way, served as tourist attraction, Now it is completely dry.

One of the inhabitants near the lagoon commented that It didn’t rain last year and due to the drought that the country is going through the lagoon went to that state.

Another resident said that they hope that this year the situation in which the lagoon is found will change.

“It had not happened before, and it worries us, but we hope that this year the small lagoon will recover.”

In the middle of the body, a small pool of dirty water was observed, where a group of white herons came to drink, as well as vestiges of corn planting.

Remains of dead fish were also found on the cracked earth; It is worth mentioning that people used to go there to fish from time to time.

On the banks lie some trees that are growing, but in this area, as in many others nationwide suffered the ravages of the lack of liquid.

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Finally, a young woman who went up to the lagoon, from the Ancient Filtersshe said, surprised and disappointed to find the place like this:

It is the first time I have come, but they had told me that it was very nice, now during the tour I asked where it was and no one told me anything about it

Note published in The Sun of Morelia

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