Alan Gutiérrez fulfills his wish to record with his father in his debut film, Syncopa great debut – El Sol de México

19 years ago, the director’s father Alan Gutierrez He was torn between life and death. She spent weeks in intensive care, battling Guillain-Barré syndrome; At that moment the now filmmaker reflected on the true value of the present, he understood that he still had many things to do with his father.

That’s how he promised that, if his father managed to get out of the hospital, they would undertake a project both, where each one will apply their own knowledge, He in the cinema and his father in the composition of music. From this idea was born Syncopation great debutGutiérrez’s debut film that addresses the story of a young musician in search of professional and personal success, however, every moment of his life, he seems to fail.

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The development of film lasted for almost two decades, in fact, it was the result of joint work with Tec de Monterrey studentswhere Gutiérrez teaches cinematography classes.

Syncopation It emerged from a complicated process in my life, it was a way to vent and tell a story that I think is important. The message of taking advantage of every minute and exploring new things in life is expressed,” said the director in an interview with The Sun of Mexico.

“I come from a family of musicians, so the main character is a compilation of stories from my family or from people I knew. I always observe and take something from everywhere to make the charactersthen it could be said that It’s based on many aspects of the people around me.”he added.

The film stars Oswaldo de León, Antonio Monroi and Iran Castillo. One of the aspects that León most identified with Olafhis character, was the moment when they both dreamed big, regardless of the price they had to pay.

“It was easy to connect with his dreams because I remembered when I wanted to be an actor and I wanted to do film, theater, television and that is what the protagonist has, but unlike him, I did go to fulfill my dream,” said the actor. .

“Unlike Olaf who has a resistance and something that makes him not achieve it, I did go and leave everything, I dropped out of the university and the next day I was already in the Mexico City without thinking about it, with the sole objective of achieving my dreams, there are things that I could impregnate Olafalthough there were others that did not,” said De León.

At the beginning, during the development of the script, the director thought of giving life to his protagonist in the large screensince he also has training as an actor and, in fact, as a child he participated in the film Bandits by Luis Estradain 1991, where he was able to collaborate with great figures today such as Guillermo del Toro or Emmanuel The goat Lubezki.

He also stood out in projects such as Single dad (1993), Class 406 (2002), Her name was Dolores, The Jenni I knew (2017), Selena’s secret (2018) or Like fallen from the sky (2019)among others.

“When I first wrote it there was a moment when I thought I could be the main character, but My dream has always been to direct, especially in a debut I decided to concentrate solely on a single role, plus when I met Oswaldo I was immediately convinced that he had to be Olaf”.

Antonio Monroi gives life to Sammy, the artistic representative who seeks more financial gain than, perhaps, growing as a musician or manager. The actor claimed to have met people very similar to his character and from whom he was inspired.

“This kind of scoundrel looks for a way to counteract the disadvantages he has in life, because Sammy He was not a lucky being in the family, He became a musician by ear, “His aspiration is not to study music, but his interest is to have a band that can play at weddings and generate money to buy lottery tickets, which is what he uses as an escape,” he said.

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Strengthening faith in dreams and always remaining humble despite achieving success are some of the messages that the film also explores.

Great debut syncopation premieres this December 28 in commercial cinema chains.

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