AMLO announces end of six-year bonus for bureaucrats – El Sol de México

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador announced that there is no budget to deliver the year-end bonus to the country’s bureaucrats at the end of his six-year term.

When asked if his government will deliver a bonus to bureaucratsas was customary at the end of six-year terms, the president said that “There are no longer bad habits, that is not budgeted”.

“It is not in the budget –the bonus–. Are they salaries and the bonusthe proportional part in the bonus because we are going to finish in September, I am referring to the trusted workers, the rank and file have no problem.”

The president said that in his management he takes care of money because the budget is the people’s money.

“Before they said that the budget is government money. No, the budget is the people’s money. We are only administrators of the people’s money, we must be good administrators, take great care of the budget.”

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Furthermore, he asked the public servers of the country who understand it and that there are those who previously had privileges and are bothered, but he insisted that for him “it is a source of pride to be able to say that we must govern and lead by example.”

He showed the savings that the Presidency of the Republic has made in his administration by reporting that before arriving there was an enormous budget and that in these years they have made savings of three thousand 681 million pesosbecause in the first year reduced the budget to 1,570 million pesos and last year he was assigned 876 million and alone 533 million pesos were spent.

Finally he indicated that “the austerity “It is not an administrative matter but a matter of principles.”

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