AMLO suffers from an eye infection: “he is a tutopiche, an air” – El Sol de México

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador reported that although is in good health contracted a “tutopiche”, a eye infection right that causes inflammation that narrows the right eyelid.

Upon arriving at the Treasury Room in the National Palace to begin the morning, the president said in good spirits that in Tabasco, where he is from, this type of condition is called “tutopiche.”

About his condition health He assured that he is fine except for the infection he said he contracted on the most recent tourwhere he found a lot of dust.

“I’m fine, pretty good. It’s an infection I caught on the last dust tour. In my land it is called tutopiche, it is ‘an air’.”

He told the media that “it is nothing worrying, according to the doctor.”

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During the conference, the secretaries of Welfare, Ariadna Montiel, and of Agriculture and Rural Development, Víctor Villalobos, as well as the head of Selgalmex, Leonel Cota, presented and detailed some of the reform initiatives to the constitution related to social programs.

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