AMLO transmits first flight of the new Mexican Aviation airline – El Sol de México

“We are going to give very good news, today Mexicana de Aviación is flying again,” said the president. Andrés Manuel López Obradorthis Tuesday, in his morning press conference, in the preamble to the first flight that this new airline operated by the Secretariat of National Defense (Sedena).

“This line will be controlled by the new Olmeca-Maya-Mexica company that will manage trains, airports, especially the Mayan Train,” said the president, while recalling that it will also manage other companies, such as ecological parks and hotels, this with the purpose of promoting the tourism sector.

Lopez Obrador He said that during the government of former president Vincent Fox This airline was privatized and he maintained that “it was given to him by a person close to Foxof those favors that were done for electoral purposes, when they fed and nourished political power and economic power,” he indicated.

However, he said that “the important thing is that this Mexican airline be rescued again, after acts of corruption and these deliveries that were made to individuals,” the federal president reproached.

Luis Cresencio Sandoval, head of the Sedenajustified the administration of the new airline by expressing in the morning conference that the Organic Law of the Armed Forces mandates “carrying out civic actions and social works that tend to the progress of the country,” and added that said works “involve various aspects ranging from the generation of infrastructure to the direction and administration of strategic sectors.

During the conference, the Government of Mexico broadcast the takeoff of the first flight of the new military passenger airline Mexicana de Aviación at the Felipe Ángeles International Airport to Tulum.

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The new Mexican Aviation company It was established on June 15, 2023 and it is planned to have flights from AIFA to: Tijuana, Monterrey, Puerto Vallarta, Mérida, Mazatlán, Campeche, Chetumal and Tulum.

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