Anti-crime strategy failed: Bishop of Chilpancingo faced with kidnappings in Taxco – El Sol de México

CHILPANCINGO. He bishop emeritus of the Chilpancingo-Chilapa diocese, Salvador Rangel Mendoza, accused that the kidnapping of 12 people in Taxcoof which at least seven are workers of the municipal government, is an example of the failed work of the security institutions that do not achieve positive effects due to the relationship that exists between the authorities and the criminal bosses.

The religious, who in the past revealed dialogues with criminal groups As part of a personal project to pacify Guerrero through dialogue, he expressed that “The Government knows who directs the criminal groups and he has had a lukewarm attitude toward them.”

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Last Tuesday, a criminal group kidnapped 12 people in the vicinity of the Taxco de Alarcón municipal garbage dump, and from that, the authorities implemented search operations and a research portfolio ex officio because until last Thursday the relatives had not filed a formal complaint for the disappearance of the people. He plagiarism It occurred in the vicinity of the municipal garbage dump and the missing They are workers in the cleaning area, including at least one top-level municipal official.

In interview, the bishop He explained that for years he has had a proposal to pacify the northern area of ​​Guerrero, especially the municipalities of Tetipac and Taxco, where there is currently an uptick in violenceHowever, the state has not wanted to participate.

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“We have these violent events and well, all that boasting that the National Guard and from the State Prosecutor’s Office it is seen that it does not have a concrete effect because there is a relationship between the authorities and the bosses of evildoers.”

For his part, Mario Figueroa, municipal president of Taxco, Guerrero, in an interview with Radio Formula blamed “pseudojournalists” for the kidnapping El Sol de Acapulco requested an interview with Figueroa about the case of the disappearance of the 12 people in his municipality, but the mayor refused.

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