Appliances for victims in Acapulco will be purchased from China: AMLO – El Sol de México

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador said during his morning conference that he agreed with the Chinese President Xi Jinping that he would buy from his country appliances that will be distributed to the victims of the Hurricane Otis in Acapulco Guerrero.

Likewise, he announced that next Thursday he will give a general report in Acapulco on the progress of the Recovery Plan for this tourist pole.

“We talked about Acapulco and they are going to sell us a good part of the appliances that we need because the census has already been completed, house by house, and more than 250 thousand homes were affected and that number of appliance packages is required, more than 250 thousand stoves, refrigerators, mattresses, blenders, dishes,” said President Andrés Manuel López Obrador when giving details of the meeting he had last week with the Chinese president in San Francisco, California, during the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Forum (APEC). its acronym in English).

He added that with the national market there is also a commitment to buy around 40 thousand appliancesbut he noted that the amount of household goods is very large and stressed that another amount could also be purchased from suppliers in the United States.

Work continues in Acapulco

During the press conference the President López Obrador about the demands for help from victims in Acapulco about recovering the bodies of fatal victims who were buried in the Yate clubto which he responded that work is being done in the port intensively.

“We are working in Acapulco with great intensity. There are about 40 thousand public servants there. Only from the Defense, Navy and National Guard, about 25 thousand elements and, about 10 or 15 thousand civilians, otherwise we will not finish the censuses and everything that has been done,” said the president.

He stressed that with the census resources can now be delivered to help the population and announced that on Thursday he will hold his security meeting and morning conference in Acapulco and there he will give a general report on the Recovery Plan.

“A general report will be made on Thursday and I take this opportunity to ensure that the people of Acapulco pay attention,” said the president.

“We are going to make important things known. Like the delivery of resources, how they will be carried out. I don’t want to get ahead of myself, Thursday is for that and as for those who lost their lives in the search for the missing, a person who lost his life was found at sea,” said the president.

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He stressed that the Secretary of the Navy is carrying out dredging work and will also report on Thursday on those who lost their lives and those who are not located or missing. All the information will be given,” the president concluded.

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