Ayotzinapa Case: AMLO orders the investigation files to be made public – El Sol de México

Through a letter signed by the Undersecretary of Human Rights of the Ministry of the Interior (Segob), Félix Arturo Medina, the parents of the 43 missing normal students from Ayotzinapa were informed that President Andrés Manuel López Obrador ordered that they be given access to the investigation files.

In the letter addressed to the parents of the victims, Medina Padilla, also president of the Commission for Truth and Access to Justice (COVAJ) of the Ayotzinapa Case, noted that the request to open the files will be attended to.

“In response to the repeated requests for information, the President, who personally directs the work of the Commission for Truth and Access to Justice in the Ayotzinapa Case, instructed to inform you that we will respond without delay to your request for information and the immediate opening of the files that consider necessary and contribute to the advancement of investigations and the location of their children,” the letter says.

Likewise, he indicated that the Government of Mexico has “the permanent willingness to direct dialogue and coordinated work since this Government has a commitment to truth and justice and, furthermore, it has nothing to hide,” he indicated.

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In recent days, President López Obrador has accused civil organizations defending human rights and the lawyers of the victims of this case of defending those guilty of the disappearance of the normalistas.

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