Banking has 1.4 bpd ready to lend: ABM – El Sol de México

Julio Carranza Bolivarpresident of the ABMconsiders that both certainty and trust are important not only within the banking sector, but for investment in general, since The eventual injection of resources into the country translates into economic growth and social development.

In interview with The Sun of Mexicoprior to the 87 Banking Convention, which will take place this week in Acapulco Guerrero, Carranza Bolivar remembered that when Andrés Manuel López Obrador When he became president, he promised not to make reforms to the banking sector for at least the first three years of his six-year term.

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This promise has been fulfilled to this day, although reform initiatives were presented to reduce commissions or have resources from abandoned bank accountsforums were created for discussion and in the end they were not approved.

“Indeed, the president Lopez Obrador It did not change the banking rules and we saw a very significant growth in investment of banking, in capital, technology and in everything that had to be done,” Julio Carranza Bolivar highlighted.

In response to this promise, he stated, The bank responded in a “very clear” way. Proof of this is that maintains good capitalization rates, which refers to the capacity of the sector to meet its obligations and that at the end of January of this year it was 19.55 percent, above the minimum required by the National Banking and Securities Commission (CNBV) and that is 10.5 percent.

“Certainty was given and confidence was given, and When these two factors come together, investment comes, That is what we would like to say going forward: we need to continue creating a framework of certainty and trustbecause that encourages investment and the growth of banking towards the future, which is precisely what concerns us and what we want to continue looking forward to is certainty and trust,” stressed the president of the ABM.

-So you expect the promise of no reforms to the banking sector to be kept or for clear adjustments to be made?

We would love for this to happen, because the results we have seen are very clear in this regard and if we continue on that path we will undoubtedly Mexico is going to do better; Let us remember that banking is a very important engine of the national economy.

-What would you expect from the next federal public administration?

The results we have seen are very clear in this regard and if we continue on that path, Mexico will undoubtedly do better.. We have a strong bank that continues to participate in the growth of Mexicoit is a safe bank that takes very good care of the savings and assets of the customersand this occurs because there is certainty.

The earring that remains, According to Carranza Bolivar, it is the fight against informality and continuing to support small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs).which are fundamental for the Mexican economy.

“We need to reach an agreement with the current government and the one that comes to tell them that we need the development banks to have a package of guarantees.”

With the entry of new players into the Mexican financial system, such as financial technology (fintech) institutionsthe president of the ABM highlighted that you also need an even floor and an environment of certainty in favor of users.

Clarified that The banks are not against these new players, on the contrary, celebrate the competition and they consider that they are part of the digital revolution that can benefit Mexicans.

“In the end, This greater competition always benefits customers“always in an environment of clear rules,” he argued. Carranza Bolivar.

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-What is the expectation of the banking business for 2024?

The bank is very strongthe Banking indicators closed well in 2023 and have been maintained in this first quarter, they are very strong indicators. There is a very controlled overdue portfolio; today We have 1.4 billion pesos ready to lend.

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