Bishops facing the national reality – El Sol de México


During this week, 125 Mexican bishops are gathered in our ordinary Easter time assembly, along with priests, nuns and lay people who accompany us in our pastoral work.

We propose, among other things, “to promote concrete actions in the dioceses in accordance with the National Peace Agenda, to promote the culture of dialogue, reconciliation and non-violence in the communities. Dialogue with the candidates for the Presidency of the Republic, so that they share their proposals for government and vision of the country, confronting visions and seeking possibilities of understanding with a view to the future government that the people freely choose at the polls.

There has been no shortage of voices from Jacobins of other times who affirm that, by addressing these issues, we violate the Secular State. They continue to understand secularism as the intention to abolish in social life everything that has a religious meaning of any belief. Let it be clear that we do not seek a confessional State, of any religion, but a State that respects the human right to religious freedom for all citizens, as enshrined in our Constitution and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. We are part of a people, and they are going through very delicate situations, especially division and political confrontation, violence and insecurity, and we bishops cannot lock ourselves in the temples and in our pastoral spaces, but rather accompany the pain and suffering of our people, to offer them the light and strength of God in their lives. It is the path that Jesus has taught us: to be with the people, not to offer them electoral campaign promises, nor to manipulate them with social programs, but so that together we walk paths that lead us to peace and reconciliation.

The meeting we have with the three presidential candidates is not to debate, but to listen to each other respectfully. They present their national projects to us; For our part, we appoint a bishop who, on behalf of everyone, asks them some questions and presents our concerns and proposals. We do not fight between shouts and offenses, but as people who know how to respect everyone, even if we do not agree on several issues.


Pope Francis has just said this to a group of leaders: “As for respect for diversity, an essential element in democracy – which must be constantly promoted – the fact that the State is “secular” contributes a lot to creating harmony. We are obviously talking about a holy secularism, which does not mix religion and politics, but rather distinguishes them for the good of both, and which at the same time recognizes religions’ essential role in society, at the service of the common good.

Today many voices speak of war. Instead, we must talk about peace, dream about peace. Let all possible efforts be made, dialoguing with everyone. May your meeting in respect of diversity and with the intention of mutual enrichment be an example to not see the other as a threat, but as a gift and a valuable interlocutor for mutual growth.”.


Let us follow the path of Jesus, who for thirty years did not preach great sermons or perform miracles, but lived with his people, as one among many, sharing daily life, with its sorrows and joys, to later be able to speak and act with authority. Being close to our people, in their pains and hopes, and speaking and acting when we have to, is the example of Jesus for all.

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