Board of Directors of San Lázaro will transfer AMLO’s initiatives to Commissions – El Sol de México

According to the parliamentary gazette of the Chamber of Deputies, the Board of Directors of that sovereignty, during this Thursday’s session, will turn to committees the package of 18 constitutional reform initiatives and two legal ones from the president Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

Because they are constitutional in nature, they will be sent to the Constitutional Points Commission, chaired by the Morenoist deputy, Juan Ramiro Robledo, who told The Sun of Mexico that it is planned to discuss the proposals in a conference with the Chamber of Senators of the Republic

However, the leader of the Morena deputies, Ignacio Mier, announced that he will also propose today to the Political Coordination Board of San Lázaro (Jucopo) that the initiatives into four thematic axes and taken to open forums and parliaments throughout the country.

In this regard, Deputy Robledo commented that he hopes that after this discussion process at the national level, the initiatives will be ruled on in the month of April. He also considered that so that the document does not “expire” in the event that the 90-day period for this purpose runs out, an extension of another 90 days could be requested, so that the legislative process of the presidential proposals can continue.

The reform initiatives of the federal Executive, seek among other things: to recognize indigenous and Afro-Mexican peoples as subjects of law; guarantee pensions for older adults from the age of 60, provide universal social support for people with disabilities; provide scholarships for students of all levels; guarantee free healthcare for all Mexicans and prohibit animal abuse.

Also, outline increase the minimum wage above inflation; increase the salary of teachers, police, doctors and soldiers and ensure that it is not lower than the salary of formal workers; reverse the pension reform of former presidents Ernesto Zedillo and Felipe Calderón to guarantee 100% retirement and create a trust of 64 thousand million pesos for that purpose.

Will also search elevate the Youth Building the Future program to constitutional status and Sembrando Vida, as well as the guarantee price and fertilizer delivery program

In addition, the package of initiatives seeks to guarantee the railway network for passenger transportation and internet access for all.

Likewise, López Obrador seeks to insist that his Electoral Reform be approved to reduce money to political campaigns and parties and eliminate multiple legislators, as well as the structure of the INE and local electoral bodies.

His Judicial Reform proposes that judges, magistrates and ministers be elected by popular vote and the candidates be proposed by the President, Congress and the Judiciary

In terms of Security, it seeks to advance a Military Reform so that the National Guard is under the command of the Army.

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It outlines elevating republican austerity to constitutional rank and establishing again that no one can earn more than the President, this in order to subdue Court ministers or electoral advisors who have not accepted the reduction in their salary.

Finally he proposes eliminate autonomous bodies such as INAI and Cofece to centralize its functions in the Federal Government.

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