Clara Brugada, Morena candidate, Labor Party and Green Ecologist Party of Mexico to the government of Mexico City, proposed the creation of collaborative councilsso that civil society, churches, universities and organizations participate in the governance of CDMX.
Within the framework of the signing of the document “Commitment to Peace”, The former mayor stated that CDMX must be the most defender of human rights, where civil society is vigilant and demanding respect.
“We need joint spaces that help us listen to each other, so that we have precise information about what each of the actors is doing for this peacebuilding. I come to propose the sum of our efforts,” he said before part of the council that drafted the agreements. for the peace.
He launched a call to build an “ambitious goal”: a city free of poverty, free of violence and free of discrimination.
Regarding the document signed by her and the rest of the candidates for the head of Government, the candidate commented that although they have different readings regarding the results of the Morena governments, they agree on the tasks that lie ahead to achieve peace.