Bukele did not defend the assault on the Mexican Embassy in Quito, it is a false quote – El Sol de México

Nayib Bukele, president of El Salvador, has not publicly supported the invasion by Ecuadorian authorities of the Mexican Embassy in Quito, despite the fact that this is what messages spread on social networks that are based on a publication shared by a profile of X of supporters of the ruler.

On platforms such as TikTok, Facebook and X, messages are spread that attribute the following quote to Bukele: “An embassy cannot serve to protect criminals, bravo Ecuador.”

It is content that circulates in the midst of the recent diplomatic crisis that has broken out between Ecuador and Mexico, after authorities from the Government of Daniel Noboa attacked the Mexican embassy in Quito to capture former Ecuadorian vice president Jorge Glas (2013-2017).

“Thank you President Bukele, for your support of Ecuador,” comments a Facebook profile that echoes this quote.

Glas, who is accused of embezzlement, had received asylum from Mexico hours before his arrest at the diplomatic mission. His arrest caused the breakdown of relations between both countries.

FACTS: Bukele has not defended the assault on the Mexican Embassy in Quitosources from the Salvadoran Government explained to EFE Verifica that until now there is no official position regarding what happened at the diplomatic headquarters and, in addition, the viral messages are supported by a message published by an account of supporters of the president, as can be seen. check with a trace in X.

The Presidency spokesperson told EFE that “there is nothing of that in official accounts,” and when asked if there is a Government position on what happened in Ecuador, the answer was: “No.”

In the same direction, there is no trace on official pages or social media profiles of the Government of any type of position on the incident, despite the fact that Executives from across the region have urged respect for international law and the Vienna convention, which includes the inviolability of an embassy.

An unofficial account

A review of the viral publications verifies that some link or capture an article published by a website called RC Noticias.

Said portal wrote that Bukele had expressed “through his which allows you to recover deleted posts.

Where this quote was actually shared was on a profile managed by supporters of the president, but that does not represent the official position.

Decide on habeas corpus

This Friday, an Ecuadorian court must rule on the habeas corpus appeal filed to annul Glas’ detention, at whose hearing held on Thursday he denounced in more detail having been a victim of alleged torture.

Glas had been at the Mexican Embassy in Quito since December 17, 2023, when he entered to request asylum after declaring himself a politically persecuted person and victim of ‘lawfare’ (use of the judicial apparatus against political adversaries).

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Glas was under an order to return to prison in the case of reconstruction works after the strong earthquake of 2016, where he is accused of alleged embezzlement (embezzlement of public funds).

In conclusion, the president of El Salvador, Nayib Bukele, has not publicly supported the invasion by Ecuadorian authorities of the Mexican embassy in Quito, despite messages on social networks that are based on a publication spread by an unofficial X profile.

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