Campeche police officers on strike: they subject elements to administrative process – El Sol de México

Four of the elements of the Campeche state policewho have been on strike since last March 16 demanding the dismissal of Marcela Muñoz Martínez, head of the Secretariat of Citizen Protection and Security (SPSC), after the failed operation in the Kobén Cereso, They appeared this Thursday before the Honor and Justice Commission of said dependency.

The agents José Alejandro Grajales Chab, Andoreni Clayderman Rivera Casanova, Rodolfo Benjamín Uc Ku and María Candelaria Castillo Pérez were summoned to testify after the SPSC indicated that “They illegally took over the facilities of the Ministry of Protection and Citizen Security as mentioned in said journalistic reports and on social networks” and for alleged “transgression of the disciplinary regime and its obligations.”

According to a document to which the Mexican Editorial Organization (OEM) had access, “through the detailed minutes drawn up on (sic) March 22, 2024, by the CCs. Matos Gutiérrez Luis Carlos, Chan Méndez Felipe Manuel, Personnel Manager and Supervisor of this Secretariat”, the aforementioned “have missed more than three days of their assigned duty; documentation that is attached to the document number 02SUBSOP/578/2024, signed by the Chief Commissioner, García Villalpando Alejandro Yosafat, Undersecretary of Police Operation of this Secretariat.”

Given these allegations, Grajales Chab told OEM that They accuse him of missing on March 22, 23 and 24, however, the element of the corporation stated that “is a lie“, and complained of “deception and advantage” in this administrative process before the Commission of Honor and Justice, therefore, he assured, There is no “investigation” against him.outside of these accusations.

The alleged evidence is based only on media publications.Rodolfo Uc, one of the 4 police officers cited.

For his part, Rodolfo Benjamín Uc Ku said that the alleged evidence that were mentioned to them during their appearance, are founded only in media publications”, and furthermore, the administrative process that is being carried out is “flawed in advance.”

Although without a specific date, another 16 agents are also summoned to appear before the SPSC Honor and Justice Commission.

AC will request a trial against the head of SPSC for a failed operation in the Kobén Cereso

While, five civil associations will request impeachment against Marcela Muñoz Martínez, head of the SPSChence They will collect 1,500 signatures during the third mega march next Saturday, April 13, which will begin at 5:00 p.m., on the Campeche boardwalk.

In a press conference, headed by the representative of the Bar of Law Graduates and pre-candidate for local deputy for the National Action Party (PAN), Juan Francisco Portela Chaparro, they stated that the Constitution State Policy Campeche demands that gather signatures “at least 0.13 percent of the nominal list equivalent to 1,500 people for perform the application of Initiative Political Trial”.

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