Deputies will discuss on Monday the creation of the Pension Fund for Wellbeing – El Sol de México

Deputies members of the Social Security Commission They will discuss next Monday the initiative of Brunettewhich seeks to create the “Pension Fund for Welfare”where the government intends to put the Retirement Savings funds due to unemployment and the Housing Fund, both integrated into the workers’ Afores system.

The reform indicates that the Pension Fund for Welfare will have the legal power to take the resources of the Afore from people over 70 years old (integrated into the IMSS) and 75 (integrated into the ISSSTE) that have not withdrawn their resources.

Once the initiative of the deputy Ignacio Mier and the deputy Angelica Ivonne Cisneros LujanBoth of Brunettewould go to the Plenary Session during the same week, since there are only 6 sessions left for Congress to conclude the ordinary period of the LXV Legislature.

In those six weeks the opinion must also have passed through the Senate of the Republic so that it reaches approval and can be sent to the Executive for your approval.

The creation of Pension Fund for Welfare what he proposes Brunettewill ensure that 45 million Mexican workers who began to pension and retire Starting in 1996, they can have a pension of 16,400 pesos up to 18,400 pesos per month, in addition to the pension for older adults.

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