Candidates in Celaya suspend campaign after murder of Gisela Gaytán – El Sol de México

CELAYA, Gto. – In the middle of the shock that is lived because of the murder of Gisela Gaytán Gutiérrezwho was the candidate for municipal presidency of Celaya by Brunettethe others candidates to the mayor’s office they announced that campaign activities will be suspended as long as a electoral process free of violence and threats.

Luis Guillermo Ortizcandidate for the municipal presidency of Celaya for the Citizen Movement Party (MC), through a video published on his social networks regretted and condemned the events and even said he felt dismayed and with many feelings on the surface after what happened “to a great person, a good friend and a campaign colleague.” Given this, he declared some days of mourning.

Unfortunately, he said, “there are no conditions at this time to be able to campaign,” for this reason, he made a called to the Electoral Instituteat state authorities and to federal government.

“So that in a mature attitude and in one attitude of responsibilityseek the best protocol and seek to improve the conditions to guaranteenot only the security of us as candidates, of our campaign teams, but also the citizen security”.

Celaya Guanajuato, the country cannot continue like this and today more than ever we need to unite. We need this to change and for this to be different, with a lot of humility, with a lot of respect.

Furthermore, “with a deep mixed feeling I ask my friends, my supporters of the Citizen Movement that we are going to cancel agenda these days, let’s declare a few days of mourning and we will be waiting for the authorities do the corresponding thing and that the Electoral Institute also issue a statement so that we can continue with this campaign”.

Jorge Acuña Dávaloscandidate for the municipal presidency of Celaya for the Labor Party (PT), regretted the murder of Gisela Gaytánin which three people were injured that accompanied.

“We are deeply sorry for this fact and express our condolences.”

“I think we should conduct ourselves responsibly and be prudent for tranquility of the people who has expressed his desire to support our project to the municipal presidency. We decided to suspend until further notice any campaign activity until as long as there is conditions to resume them”.

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He also regretted that the spirit of electoral participation of many people is diminished after the event, however, he hopes that this will change. Meanwhile, he sent his solidarity with family, people close to Gisela Gaytánas well as the classmates from Brunette. “Rest in peace”.

On the other hand, Jorge Enrique Velázquezcandidate for the municipal presidency of Celaya for the Green Ecologist Party of Mexico (PVEM), sent his deepest condolences and a respectful hug to the family and friends of Gaytán Guerrero.

He mentioned that this tragedy “is the reflection of a society that must rethink the unfortunate generalized behavior that more often reaches extremes that eventually become part of a brutal context which is usually end up tolerating and forgetting”.

“I have no words that can express the discontent and shame I feel for our rulers.”

There are no conditions for democracy, we cannot participate in a project in a city mired in chaos, aggressiveness and corruption.

For this reason, he announced that suspended the activities of his team and project.

“I would never risk the physical integrity or life of any of my colleagues, my followers, voters or myself. Celayenses“The long-standing mistakes that we have made as a society have consequences.”

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He ended by saying that he feels very angry and disappointedbut, above all, worried because “my friends, everyone should be.”

Note published in The Sun of the Bajío

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