Yunez Zorrilla files a complaint against Rocío Nahle for illicit enrichment – El Sol de México

José Yunez Zorillacandidate for governor of State of Veracruz by the PAN, PRI and PRD Coalitionannounced that he reported to the Attorney General’s Office (FGR) against Rocío NahleMorenoist candidate for the alleged crimes of illicit enrichment and operations with resources of illicit originfor the purchase of real estate worth 60 million pesos.

In a press conference held this Monday in Mexico City, the candidate of the “Strength and Heart for Veracruz” Coalition He stressed that since 2015 there has been an unusual increase in the assets of the current Morenista candidate and that they must be investigated, since they do not correspond to her income.

Yunes He recalled that, “thanks to the Media, we know that the candidate of Brunette to the government of Veracruz is related to the purchase of three properties and the construction of two mansions in exclusive subdivisions with high capital gains of Veracruz and of Tabasco” and that is why he said he filed the complaint.

“We have filed a complaint with the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office of the Attorney General’s Office of the Republic to clarify the origin and destination of these resources,” he pointed out.

He candidate He stressed that it is urgent to investigate Nahle Garciasince there is a “mismatch” between their income and their properties that must be clarified.

“There are many questions that Veracruz society and society in general and the authorities in general should ask the candidate regarding the imbalance between her properties and income, since gathering the necessary resources to pay the nearly 60 million pesos that the media of communication “The value of those properties would have taken (Nahle) 39 years.”

He stressed that Nahle García, saving her entire net salary, would not have been able to obtain the properties she has and other assets she has, which is why she insisted on questioning where those resources came from and if they came from financing to the Dos Bocas Refinery, in Tabasco.

“Will they be Two Mouths? Mexicans have the right to know what they have done with almost 20 billion dollars of our taxes. “These are resources that should have been used in education, in health, in security and, in the case of Veracruz, in infrastructure for the State,” he reproached.

“For this reason, we have filed this new complaint with the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office for the probable crimes of illicit enrichment and operations with resources of illicit origin,” he said.

On the other hand, the candidate The opponent also said that he presented his asset declaration 3 out of 3 to demonstrate that he, unlike Nahle García, has nothing to hide.

“I want to tell you that I have made it visible to all citizens, my asset and tax declaration, my career, my jobs, my income, my properties. You will be able to see that you know everything and, what you are going to realize, is that I have worked all my life and I can explain what I have done and where my work comes from. heritage.

Presenting the 3 out of 3 is a basic exercise in transparency and accountability that those who aspire to public office should do without excuse or pretext and on their own initiative,” he highlighted.

Finally, the PAN candidate explained that the promise of Brunette of ‘Do not lie, do not steal and do not betray’, has been again and again in these six years, which is why he stressed that this July 2 “the options for Veracruz They are very clear: a real governor who brings peace, progress and prosperity to our state; on the other side are the lies of Brunette”, he concluded.

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