Ceci Flores requests intervention from the IACHR to analyze remains found in CDMX – El Sol de México

Ceci Flores, founder of the collective Searching mothers of Sonora, requested the intervention of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) to analyze the remains found in the alleged crematorium clandestine on the slopes of the Xaltepec Volcano, located on the borders of Tláhuac and Iztapalapa.

Through social networks, he published a request for urgent intervention to send a group of experts to analyze the remains found.

“They have been thinking for a long time that if they delete the numbers, the pain of a country that hurts will be erased, that is why they want to disappear them twice. “I asked the IACHR to help the mothers who are scratching the ground looking for our children,” she published on her X account.

After the capital’s Prosecutor’s Office reported that the investigations and expert reports of the remains and ashes found in the alleged grave correspond to animals, Ceci Flores He pointed out that Mexico deserves to make public the genetic studies that were carried out on the ashes in two hours.

“The media deserves to know why they were prevented from seeing ‘dog ashes’; mothers deserve to be shown where their children are,” he said.

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