Chertorivski regrets murders of candidates: a new security system is required – El Sol de México

Solomon Chertorivskycandidate for the head of government for the Citizen Movement, lament the murders of the candidates that have occurred in various areas of the country, during the electoral contest.

“It is a disgrace what is happening, peace in our country, and in the streets of Mexico City, she’s lost. When you can’t go out freely on the street, when you don’t feel safe that your sons and daughters are on the street, everything else becomes complicated,” he said.

At the end of his visit to the flea market in the Cuajimalpa mayor’s office, he stated that the assassinations of candidates are symbols of the misfortune that one lives in the country, so a new security and justice system is requireda new well-structured criminal policy and a profound reform of the city’s Judicial Branch.

On his day today he was accompanied by Edmundo Cotero, candidate for local deputy of district 20 by Cuajimalpa and Viri Pérez, candidate for mayor of Cuajimalpawith whom he toured the Rosa Torres flea market and lived with the merchants.

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