Armed gangs attack the National Library of Haiti – El Sol de México

The gangs who control a large part of Prince Port assaulted this wednesday National Library of Haitias reported by its general director to AFP, in a new episode of violence in the country Caribbean who awaits the appointment of his transitional authorities.

“I have been informed that the criminals they are taking the institution furniture and that they have destroyed the generator of the building,” said Dangelo Néard about the library located in the center of the capital.

Our documentary collections are in danger. Have rare documents over 200 years old and of importance patrimonial that run the risk from being set on fire or damaged by bandits“warned Néard, for whom the attack represents a hard blow against Haitian thought.

The armed groups also they attacked and looted the premises of the National School of the Arts and the Higher Normal School in the last week. Some acts that UNESCO he condemned this Wednesday in a statement.

“These acts of vandalism (…) against the institutions of teaching of the country have consequences devastating for him future of the society Haitian“declared the international organization.

After several days of decrease of violencethe gangs they resumed on Monday your assaults in several neighborhoods of Prince Port.

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Are bands They came together at the end of February to attack strategic places of the capital, such as government headquarters, the airport, the port, police stations and prisons, in a fight against the unpopular Prime Minister Ariel Henry, and since then they have plunged the city into terror.

A complex transition

While the bands they roam freely, Haitithat has not held elections since 2016try advance his political transition.

Henry announced on March 11 that it would give up and hand over power to a transitional presidential council composed of representatives of political parties, civil society, the private sector and religious communities.

But more than three weeks later, The country is still waiting for the appointment of that nine-member councilwhich has been delayed by disagreements internal and the supposed doubts legal of the outgoing government.

“The problem (…) is that we have spent two and a half years with Ariel Henry, who did nothing, and now in two weeks they want us to do many things,” defended former minister Leslie Voltaire, representative of the center-left Fanmi Lavalas party. on the council, in an interview for AFP.

“There was a head (Henry) who did not have the political will to combat the unsafetythe misery of the people (…) and that he has let the situation rot,” he declared about the deterioration of living conditions in Haiti.

Voltaire also blamed the Caribbean Community (Caricom), which supervised the Haitian negotiationsif precipitate by demanding the nine names of the council -seven voters and two observers- before they reached a agreement political among them.

“The house started with the roof,” criticized the former minister, who nevertheless announced the publication of the decree for the entry into force of the council on Thursday, at the latest.

According to him, the new authorities will elect a prime minister within a week and, together with him, will name the government that will call elections in Haiti.

The violence gang member forced more than 53 thousand people to flee from Port-au-Prince between March 8 and 27, further aggravating the serious humanitarian crisis in the country.

The haitians They have to deal every day with food shortage, medicines and other commodities.

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“Last week, 10 pharmacies in the capital were lootedwhich makes it even more difficult access to medicines“, warned this Wednesday the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA).

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