Congress of Morelos approves license to Cuauhtémoc Blanco for 60 days – El Sol de México

He Congress of Morelos approved, with 11 votes in favor and six againstthe license application of the governor Cuauhtémoc Blanco Bravo to separate from office during 60 daysfrom the first minute of April 4 until next June 3, 2024. During this time, his place will be occupied by Samuel Sotelo SalgadoGovernment Secretary.

In this way, Blanco Bravo will be able to go in search of the federal deputation by the National Regeneration Movement party (Brunette).

On February 22, the Morena National Council announced the preselected formulas for the proportional representation lists for the Congress of the Union, where the name of Cuauhtémoc Blanco Bravo stood out through the multi-member route in second position.

Even though he state leader intended not to separate from office during the electoral process, the Electoral Tribunal of the Judicial Branch of the Federation (TEPJF) forced Blanco Bravo to leave the position of governor to participate in the elections.

In an ordinary session, the deputies of the Morelos Congress voted on the state president’s request, which was delivered to the president of the Board of Directors last week.

During the session, the Parliamentary Group of the National Action Party (PAN)in the voice of the coordinator Óscar Cano Mondragón said that the deputies panistas they do not support the determination of the majority of local legislators.

Although the state Constitution regulates the license, which the head of the Executive can submit to the consideration of this Congress, the truth is that said license is of an administrative nature and not for electoral purposes. In National Action we do not support the separation of Cuauhtémoc Blanco as governor, because he does so for purely electoral purposes. By granting said license to those who are being injured, it is the people of Morelos”.

For its part, the PAN deputy Andrea Gordillo along with andl Wide Front They demanded an end to the inconsistency of the ruling party; “no governor, on our part it is not a reward, because this does not stop here“.

Likewise, the president of the Board of Directors of the local Congress, Francisco Erik Sánchez Zavala He considered it an irresponsible action for the governor to separate from his position given the situation of insecurity that prevails in Morelos.

Published in The Sun of Cuernavaca

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