Citizen Council accuses disorder in figures of missing people – El Sol de México

He Citizen Council of Search in Mexico City demanded the capital government to clarify and make transparent the data of the National Registry of Missing peoplesince he considered that he has a disorder in the matter.

“We have no intention of inventing or making a scandal with the intention of harming someone, but because they have the disorder, it is the responsibility of the institutions, we only report what is visible,” said the counselor. Valentina Peralta Puga in conference.

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On November 29, the Search Tip demanded the government and the Justice Prosecutor’s Office capital city to clarify and make transparent the decrease in the reporting of missing people. Between 1962 and July of this year there were eight thousand cases and by November it dropped to six thousand 725.

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In this regard, the head of government, Martí Batres, stated that no database of missing people was deleted.

On November 15, the president told El Sol de México that there is no increase in disappearances of girls, boys and adolescentsand the reports of the National Search Commission They are wrong.

Within the framework of the delivery of the Activities Report of the Citizen Council Search in the Mexico City to the local congress, Peralta Puga explained that the data from the Prosecutor’s Office capital disagree with those of the Citizen Search Council, so there is a disorder in the figures that it is up to the government and the capital’s prosecutor’s office to clarify.

“Let them agree with the Federation and with everyone else to say this is the public information and the support that bases it, and not that we, as a citizen body that also works for free, have any call for attention when the disorder is theirs,” he said.

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Peralta Puga highlighted that the National Register It is fed by information uploaded by local authorities, so each one has its own password to enter the registry and report missing people, they also have the obligation to deregister those who are found alive and dead, “something that is not do”.

Regarding the lifting of the new Census of missing persons in the country, The directors mentioned that while there is no clarity on the issue of updating the registry, with a methodology, as well as with a financial analysis and with strategies it is difficult to accredit the census.

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