Claudia, Xóchitl or Máynez, forced to promote regional integration with the US – El Sol de México

Seven months before the presidential elections in the United States, there are increasingly mixed feelings around the virtual presidential candidates Joe Biden and Donald Trump, as both register low popularity numbers.

At the end of February, 54 percent of Americans surveyed expressed an unfavorable opinion of Trump, while Biden registered 59 percent.

But in recent days attention has focused on the Hispanic community, since they represent almost 15 percent of the electoral roll, with 36.2 million possible voters.

According to a new exclusive survey conducted by Ipsos for Axios Latino, Biden’s approval has fallen and that of the virtual Republican candidate improved.

In Biden’s first year as president, he led Trump by 29 percentage points in approval; By last March that margin had been reduced to 9 percentage points.

That is, 31 percent of likely voters said they plan to vote for Biden and 28 percent plan to vote for Trump.

The increase in Hispanic support for Trump is difficult to understand, because since his campaign in 2016 he has not stopped criminalizing them, accusing them of thieves and rapists and during his administration he had a heavy hand to combat migration.

At this stage his speech has not changed, on the contrary, it has hardened and, even so, his Latino support base seems to be strengthening.

Specialists consider that this is due to the disenchantment of this sector of the population with Biden’s policies since economic concerns, the promise of employment and national security outweigh actions against migration.

Although it is worth noting that, in general, Latinos in the United States still support Democrats more than Republicans.

It should be remembered that in addition to the presidency, on November 5, a total of 468 seats in the United States Congress (33 in the Senate and 435 in the House of Representatives) will be at stake. There will also be special elections for a seat in the Senate for the state of California.

Currently, the Republicans have a majority in the House of Representatives (219 against 213), while the Democrats, in alliance with the independents, have a majority in the Senate (48 Democrats + 3 independents, against 49 Republicans).

So, although the candidates should not trust the polls, it is expected that they could adjust their campaigns and, in the case of Biden, he will surely make decisions very close to the Democratic National Convention that will take place from the 19th to the 19th. August 22 in Chicago, Illinois.

By that date, in Mexico it will have already been decided who will be the next president, and the truth is that, regardless of whether it is Claudia Sheinbaum, Xóchitl Gálvez or Jorge Álvarez Máynez, trade will not stop between the two countries, so that any of them will have to strengthen ties with the United States.

The relationship must continue and the new leaders will have to resolve the issues that are on the bilateral agenda such as arms and fentanyl trafficking, as well as migration.

The truth is that the result of the elections in the North American nation is relevant on this side of the border, because the United States is Mexico’s main trading partner and that is where most of the Foreign Direct Investment comes from.

As an example, it is enough to point out that last year we received 63,058 million dollars for this concept, which represented a growth of 27 percent compared to 2022.

Additionally, in 2023, Mexico overtook China to become the United States’ top source of investment for the first time in 20 years.

And in January 2024, international sales from our country to that nation were 32,930 million dollars, while international purchases reached 17,854 million dollars.

With these data there is no doubt that whoever wins the presidency in Mexico in June, and in November in the American Union, will necessarily have to promote greater integration in the region. We’ll see.

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