Confidential Agenda / Pemex, in a vulnerable situation – El Sol de México

In previous publications we have mentioned the mismanagement that has been proven by the Malaysian company Coastal Contracts and its Mexican partner Nuvoil (through several of its subsidiaries), who wanted to bankrupt the TRESE company, depriving it of their legitimate remuneration in the contract for the provision of services for the August 12 platform, even trying to replace it through an inexperienced company named X-Drill.

We had also already told you about the connection to the process that the Attorney General’s Office of the Republic is promoting against the representative of Coastal in Mexico Ramón “N”, to whom the judge of first instance and the judge of appeal of second instance have declared guilty of obtaining procedural advantages through precautionary measures and suspensions of amparo, with his last opportunity to prove innocence in direct amparo being in progress.

Now we add to it the final ruling of the Fourth Collegiate Court of the First Circuit, which has declared that the supposed substitution was illicit and illegal, since the only company capable and experienced to provide the service of the contract in question is and has always been TRESE , which nullifies the effects that they wanted to apply with the failed substitution.

This leaves Pemex in a vulnerable situation since it has already paid the service apocryphally to Coastal and Nuvoil, when the federal judicial authorities had alerted it that they could incur double payment, which with this ruling, that fact becomes a reality.

However, someone from the legal department of Petróleos Mexicanos is not doing his job well, because he does not promptly notify his superiors of the sentences and accusations that come from this specific case, since Pemex is already on the verge of causing harm. patrimonial executing a double payment, as well as the failure to notify its “Compliance” department about the connection to criminal proceedings of the agent of Coastal Contracts, and thereby avoiding contracting or contract extensions with said company for be related to federal crimes, which did not prevent, for example, last week from extending a contract to Coastal and Nuvoil (through the related company Alfair) in the onshore gas compression project called “Perdiz”, for an amount of around 70 million dollars extending the service until the end of 2025.

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