Retirees doubt about pension increase with AMLO reform – El Sol de México

The pension reform announced by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador must be more equitablewell There are pensioners who each year only receive between 100 or 200 pesos more as part of the adjustment in his retirement.

He Sun of Mexico collected a series of testimonies of pensioners low the previous regimeswho doubt that the modifications proposed by the President help them significantly.

It may interest you: AMLO prepares reforms regarding improvements to pensions and salaries

Is about workers who receive between two thousand and four thousand pesos in pension before the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS), but whose annual increases they are only from 100 to 200 pesos.

25 years ago my husband passed away. and then they gave me 800 pesoswith the increase each year that it’s 100 pesos now I get two one thousand 900 pesosthe truth it’s very little“, he accused Lidia Ramos, who belongs to the 1973 regime.

The problem is that although In all years this amount has been adjustedensures that Today resources are insufficient and federal government reforms should be more equitable.

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I started with two thousand 800 pesos and to date I four thousand 300 pesos arrive; he increase they gave was not enough not even for a soft drink, they owe us increase to the amount of the minimum wage current, because the money they give us old retirees is not even enough to buy tortillas,” said Juan Urquiza, who retired 13 years ago.

For Sergio Kurczyn, director of Citibanamex Economic Studiesone of the main challenges faced by pensionerss is the time of life and job with which they reach retirement.

“The problem is thatThe typical worker reaches 65 years old and wants to retire, but in reality he only worked for 40that is to say, contributed half of this time and therefore You will not be entitled to a good pension”, commented the expert in an interview.

In the case of ISSSTE retireesthey accuse that the procedures are cumbersome and confusing, while the wait for the resolution of their pension takes up to half a year.

Irene Velázquez went through this process five years ago. Yes ok He had no problems with his documentationthe most complicated thing for her was to travel to the offices of her region located on Paseo de la Reforma and find a suitable time to attend, since the now former preschool education teacher resides in the State of Mexico.

“It’s something that At least it takes half a year. My best recommendation is that people start it calmly and have a little save. in case you cannot complete the retirement process with salary leave,” commented Velázquez Laguna, 58 years old and who retired after 33 years of service.

Coyotes of the Afores

To the problem of low pensions the coyotaje of procedures before the IMSS is added and ISSSTEbecause outside the offices where these requests are attended to, it is common to see supposed managers who help increase the amount of the retirement.

The services they offer They also promise to obtain an immediate refusal and even make unemployment withdrawalsup to 35 thousand pesoswithout affecting the weeks of contributions to the IMSS.

They asked me for a thousand pesos to start my unemployment retirement and they assured that in a month, at the latest, it would be ready. Four months have passed and I still have not received a response from the IMSS and the office I hired”commented Margarito Jiménez, who has been out of the labor market for half a year.

The affected person commented that It was through a publication on social networks that he contacted a page called “Pensiones Salazar”. The advertisement assured that any worker could obtain between 10 thousand and 35 thousand pesos for an unemployment withdrawal.

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Margarito requested information and They asked him for all his documentation from the IMSS. Two weeks after depositing an initial payment, The page was taken down and there is no response on the contact telephone numbers.

“Now I don’t know what they can do with my data, if they change my Afore or they just took my money. In the Condusef They told me that they cannot address my complaint, because it is not a well-established office or business, it was just another scam,” said the 56-year-old user.

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