National Power / Seminar: National Development of the Mexican State – El Sol de México

Today and tomorrow, Tuesday the 13th of this month, a high-level meeting will be held at the facilities of the National Defense College (former Heroic Military College of Popotla), to raise and analyze central issues such as: growth sustainable economic to strengthen national development; education for technological innovation as a trigger for the national development of the Mexican State; he nearshoring in national economic development, opportunities and challenges; the strategic sectors of the Mexican industry; challenges and perspectives for national development; and geospatial intelligence and cybersecurity as drivers of national development in the digital age. Prominent specialists and academics will participate.

Under the leadership of the director of the National Defense College, Brigadier General, Diplomate of the General Staff, Eugenio Leonardo López Arellanes, the sessions will be transmitted online, given the interest generated by the seminar “National Development of the Mexican State. And it could not be any other way, since the international context demands from societies, the private sector, institutions and governments the design, application and evaluation of procedures that aim to improve the conditions under which they aspire to have a better standard of living, in general.

The call made by the National Defense College is part of the systematic and characteristic trend of the Military Educational System, to be at the forefront in the study and proposals for the development of Mexico. In this way, overcoming/processing the natural conjunctures and political situations throughout history, from a civil and military approach, we try to provide elements that guide the years to come. From a predominant academic perspective, therefore scientific, the participating specialists will share their points of view supported by a long history of training.

Ricardo Uvalle Berrones, Leonardo Curzio Gutiérrez, Velda Gámez, Carlos Quijano, Patricia Lemus, Eduardo Leal Hernández, Patricia Antonio, Miguel Ruiz Cabañas and Edgar Arellano. The rapporteur of the sessions will be in charge of Roberto Zepeda. As can be seen, the quality of the exhibitors, in itself, is a guarantee regarding the quality of the sessions. It is important to note the convening and organizational capacity of the staff of the National Defense College.

In the wide dissemination of the Seminar, it is read that the objective is: “to analyze various theoretical positions related to National Security and its connection with the National Development of the Mexican State, through the information presented by lecturers and panelists who are experts in said topic.” . Academic communities at the national, state, public and private levels have also been invited, as well as companies related to the topics of the work tables and conferences. In the next installment, I will give an account of the main contents, conclusions and contributions presented during the two days. Without a doubt, this is a substantial contribution from the military educational system as a whole, as well as from the Secretariat of National Defense, headed by General Luis Cresencio Sandoval González. Congratulations.


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