López Obrador, humanism and reforms – El Sol de México

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador submitted to Congress 18 reforms to the Constitution and two reforms to secondary legislation. These projects largely reflect the spirit of Mexican humanism, a universal philosophical current with the moral and ethical values ​​of the revolutionary processes of our country, upheld by the Fourth Transformation. We will address some of the most important ones.

It seeks to recognize indigenous and Afro-Mexican peoples and communities as subjects of public law, with their own legal personality and assets; and their right to be consulted on legislative and administrative measures that may have a significant impact on their way of life and environment is incorporated.

The rights of vulnerable groups are consolidated, guaranteeing the delivery of a non-contributory pension to people with permanent disabilities under 65 years of age. Likewise, the State will guarantee access to rehabilitation and qualification for people living with permanent disabilities, with priority given to people under eighteen years of age. The Constitutional text is updated so that older adults receive a pension from the age of 65, a fact that, although it occurs in reality, is not expressed in our Magna Carta.

With the aim of providing opportunities for young people, financial support equivalent to at least one current general minimum wage is established for young people between 18 and 29 years old who have not found work and are not pursuing any of the educational levels, to train them for work. for a period of up to 12 months. In line with the health objectives of this government, an initiative was presented that seeks to guarantee comprehensive, universal and free medical care to the entire population that does not have social security, with access to medical and hospital care, medical examinations and provision of free medications.

It is intended that Infonavit can build housing so that workers have the possibility of acquiring it in a social income scheme or as property, giving more options to workers. Likewise, it is proposed to guarantee the right to food with the prohibition of genetically modified corn. It is proposed to guarantee the right to access to water for personal consumption and domestic use and to prohibit the granting of water concessions when there is little availability. And prohibit the granting of concessions for open pit mining and for the extraction of hydrocarbons through fracking techniques.

Reforms with a humanistic perspective seek to build a fair, inclusive and well-being country.

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