Confidential Agenda | The network continues to operate – El Sol de México

Well, it turns out that the corruption network made up of renowned law firms, secretaries, judges and magistrates, denounced by the colleague Hernán Gómez Bruera In his book “Betrayal in the Palace, justice in times of the 4T” he continues to operate shamelessly and with total impunity.

Despite the public denunciation that through the distribution of the book was made of the network of judicial corruption where the most emblematic cases of the sale to the highest bidder of the administration of justice were highlighted, through suspensions of protection or precautionary measures sprinkled corruption, extortion, influence peddling and depravity of justice, nothing seems to disturb the activity of the aforementioned network.

Well, it turns out that other victims of this group are the TRESE company and its more than 150 recognized creditors in the bankruptcy proceedings under file 666/2016 of the seventh civil district court of Mexico City. However, the strong defense of this group managed to link the lawyer Ramón “N”, protagonist of said book and legal representative of the company Coastal Contracts in Mexico, to the process, suffering a setback not only in the first instance but also in a second instance of appeal in his criminal proceedings.

Even with that dish on the back, more than ten lawyers from all levels within Petróleos Mexicanos now rear their heads in said group (strategically accommodated there by instructions issued from the legal department of the presidency between the years 2018 and 2019), who seem to have the objective of working as public defenders for companies related to the group that Gómez Bruera denounces in his book.

Likewise, the 18th local judge of Mexico City, Marcial Enrique Terron Pineda, appeared in the action of this plot, who neither delayed nor lazily served as a link between Pemex and Nuvoil so that the latter tried to cash in on a deposit note placed in bond. by Pemex to the court of its affiliation – says the affected person – despite having firm resolutions against it that ordered the judge not to deliver that bill, as well as a definitive suspension of protection in the same sense, orders that were ignored leaving behind a rosary of possible crimes, which will most likely reach him sooner rather than later, since the Attorney General’s Office of the Republic, which has a special appetite for everything related to that famous judicial network.
The last word on this painful matter, which we have commented on several occasions in this column, belongs to the Fourth Collegiate Civil Court of the First Circuit who, by the way, always corrects his inferiors, balancing justice in accordance with the strict rule of law. Fortunately for Trese and his creditors, with the three Judges of the aforementioned Fourth Court, that famous saying is confirmed: “There are still judges in Berlin.”

And speaking of bankruptcy proceedings, the “bad guys from malolandia” claim that the former Secretary of the Treasury, Luis Videgarayreturned to Mexico, not what you imagine, but to operate some businesses, such as the Puga sugar mill, through Fernando Aportelawho was undersecretary of the branch during his administration. Be?

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