Daniel Bisogno was hospitalized again: what is his health status – El Sol de México

For some time now the health of Daniel Bisogno has worried his followerssince its absence in some broadcasts of the show programwith him hermeticism regarding whether he faced any disease generated suspicionsuntil in the month of June 2023 Own driver and his boss Paty Chapoy confirmed that it had been Underwent surgery.

At that time both the program Windowing as the actor also announced that he had to be emergency intervention due to a complication in the esophagusWell, even various nearby voices confirmed that his state of health was delicateso the program Aztec TV followed up until it was indicated that “El Muñe” had returned home.

Why did Daniel Bisogno return to the hospital?

And one of the things that worried the followers of the famous was his physical appearancebecause from one moment to the next they noticed a slimming considerable that was visible in the face of the driver, so any minimal absence of Bisogno in it TV program generated suspicions among his followerswhich has led them to provide constant information.

Until now it seemed that the waters had returned to normal. calmbut this morning Friday, February 9, 2024 in the social networks of the program review about the show a message appeared in which you could read “Our dear @DaniBisogno was admitted to the hospital again for routine examinations. This afternoon at @ventaneandouno we will inform you how he is doing.”.

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