Dating apps serve millions of Mexicans to find a partner – El Sol de México

Some 9.1 million Mexican Internet users found love through social networks or apps and dating sites like Tinder and Bumbleaccording to data from the study “Love in the Times of Telecom“, of The Competitive Intelligence Unit (The CIU).

According to the survey, 66.8 percent of Internet users in the countryequivalent to 62 million, currently has a partner, and of this population 14.7 percent met her through a digital dating platform.

“During the last few years, we have witnessed how technology has revolutionized the way we communicate, interact, transact goods and services, among others (…) The way in which today we meet people and even look for the one with which we want to establish sentimental relationshiphas also been impacted by the adoption of technological tools”says the document published this Friday.

The report highlights that the majority of Internet users who found a partner online did it through social networks and messaging services such as Instagram, Facebook or WhatsAppeither by sending a friend request or start a conversation.

Only 11.4 percent of Internet users who have a partner met them through downloading and using specialized dating platformswith Tinder, Bumble and Grindr as the most used.

When analyzing the success rate of these platforms, The CIU detected that Bumble is the application that has best managed to meet Cupid’s goals.

According to the study, although Tinder is the most downloaded dating app, with 93 percent of users of these tools, it has a 14 percent relationship success rate.

bumblemeanwhile, is the second most downloaded app with 87 percent preference but their success rate is 57 percent.

The document highlights that those users who are looking for a partner through a dating app reported that the most important thing in the profile of the person to whom they will “match” is having interests in common, followed by being attractive, while in third and fourth position are age and being singlerespectively.

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