Morena announces its candidates for Cuajimalpa and Magdalena Contreras – El Sol de México

The president of Morena in Mexico City, Sebastian Ramirez made known to Gustavo Mendoza Figueroa and Fernando Mercado Guaida like the representatives of the mayors Cuajimalpa and Magdalena Contreras.

In the presence of the applicants who registered to compete for the demarcations, he reported that the flag bearers of Morena, PT and PVEM in Cuajimalpa and Magdalena Contreras will be two former PRI members.

The president of the State Executive Committee of Morena City of Mexico, highlighted that Gustavo Mendoza He has a career in public service for more than 20 years, has a degree in International Relations and has postgraduate studies specializing in Strategy and political communication and has a Master’s degree in Public Administration.

Regarding the candidate Fernando Mercado, He highlighted that he was a delegate in Magdalena Contreras from 2015 to 2018, general director of the Fund for the Economic and Social Development of Mexico City and, currently, he is a deputy of the Congress of Mexico City.

With these two profiles Morena adds 11 representatives to compete for mayor in upcoming elections:

* Alvaro Obregon: Javier Lopez Casarin

* Azcapotzalco: Nancy Núñez Reséndiz

* Benito Juarez: Leticia Varela Martínez

* Coyoacán: Hannah de Lamadrid Téllez

* Iztapalapa: Aleida Alavez Ruiz

* Miguel Hidalgo: Miguel Torruco Garza

* Tlahuac: Berenice Hernandez Calderon

* Tlalpan: Gabriela Osorio Hernandez

* Venustiano Carranza: Evelyn Parra Alvarez

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