Days after recovering his candidacy, Santiago Nieto denies the UIF investigation against a family member – El Sol de México

A few hours after having won a battle with the resolution in his favor of the Electoral Tribunal of the Judicial Branch of the Federation who returned the candidacy to Senate by Queretaro, Santiago Nieto denies that the Financial Intelligence Unit (UIF) has filed a complaint with the Attorney General’s Office against his brother-in-law Sergio Eduardo Humphrey Jordanfor alleged operations of money laundering.

“Is false that the FIU has reportedIt’s about a breakdown of the complaint presented by (Roberto) Gil Zuarth. An instance of the FGR was considered incompetent and sent it to the competent area, and that is why this file was started in March, but it is false that there is a complaint from the UIF, it is a vile lie,” he says in an interview with The Sun of Mexicoin which He makes it clear that his relationship with the head of that unit, Pablo Gómez, “is institutional.”

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In December 2023he former head of the UIF, Santiago Nieto and his brother-in-law Sergio Eduardo Humphrey —brother of electoral advisor Carla Astrid Humphrey— They were reported by former legislator Roberto Gil Zuarth to the FGR for alleged extortion and bribery. to companies linked to Real Estate Cartel From Mexico City.

The Today Senate candidate for Querétaro pointed out that has already filed complaints against Roberto Gil Zuarth, Javier Coello, Francisco Javier García Cabeza de Vaca and the people related to the complaint.

How do you rate the ruling in your favor by the Electoral Tribunal of the Judicial Branch of the Federation that once again gives you the opportunity to run for the senatorship of Querétaro?

First I would propose recognizing the legal work of the electoral Tribunal. The Upper room revoked the sentence of the Toluca Regional Room and established two themes that are important, not only for 2024, but by 2027and the issues are that I am originally from Queretaro and being registered in Querétaro it applies to me by law, by virtue of the fact that my father was born in San Juan del Rio and there are five generations, with mine, of grandchildren residing in San Juan del Río and three also recognize my effective residence. So, On the one hand I am a native, on the other hand I have effective residence. Two, because The City Council of San Juan del Río, a PAN member, issued me a proof of residence.

Given the complaints against you, don’t you have too many enemies?

Well, the truth is that I have had to perform duties as head of the Fepade (Specialized Prosecutor’s Office for Attention to Electoral Crimes), as holder of the UIFas head of the office of the Hidalgo Attorney General’s Office, where my function is precisely the fight against corruption, the judicialization of investigation files and that, because it makes me have enemies (…) I would denounce Cabeza de Vaca or a (Genaro) Garcia Lunaor any of these characters.

How do you perceive that Emilio Lozoya’s case is stuck?

How do I feel? With the satisfaction of having fulfilled my duty, I did what corresponded to me as a public official, both in the Fepadewhere I had to investigate the first part of Odebrecht as electoral crime. And in a second instance it’s my turn Financial Intelligence Unit freeze accounts and present the corresponding complaints, that was my only function, it is up to the rest of the institutions to follow up on the cases and I could not make any criticism or question the actions of the Prosecutor’s Officesince I do not know the conditions of the file, since it has been more than two years since I left the UIF.

Isn’t there some pending matter with the President?

No, there have never been any issues with him Presidentwhat I have said is that based on a scandal that was generated around my wedding due to the presence of third parties, due to acts rather carried out by third parties, I preferred not to affect the project and separate myself from the position (…) My loyalty, as I said from that first day and I have maintained it, is with the president Andrés Manuel López Obrador and of course, my love is with Carla Humphrey.

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How do you get along with the current head of the UIF, Pablo Gómez?

It is an institutional relationship, I handed over the office to him the day after my resignation. We had a work meeting again to follow up on the issues of the Sinister Scamprovided us with information that was very important for the judicialization of the investigation files that allowed the Hidalgo Attorney General’s Office linking to the process eight municipal presidents, four general directors, two undersecretaries, three secretaries of State, one of them is still a fugitive from justice, and who has allowed, as far as I left it, the recovery of 109 million pesos that had been diverted.

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