Infants without access to health are increasing – El Sol de México

The number of children under six years of age who lack medical care timely in the country’s capital increased in four yearsrevealed a report prepared by the Pact for Early Childhood (PPI).

According to the study The outstanding debt: access to rights. Analysis of multidimensional poverty in early childhood, Mexico 2018-2022, the percentage of that sector with deficiencies in accessing health services increased to 24.6 percent in CdMx in 2018; to 29.3 percent in 2020, and to 33.3 percent, in 2022.

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The group – made up of 500 civil, academic and business organizations – pointed out that, as in other entities in the country, children in the capital are more vulnerable when they are in a situation of poverty than the general population.

The report also reveals that in the capital the percentage of Early childhood population living in poverty decreased from 44.1 percent in 2018 to 45.1 percent in 2020. while in 2022 it decreased to 37.3 percent.

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“Need pay attention to this group of the population, That is why it is important that all candidates for elected positions sign this pact (next April 22),” he indicated. Ixchel Beltran, PPI researcher.

Between The goals of the pact are to reduce the proportion of children in poverty to 40 percent and nine percent extreme poverty in the population.

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