Death of two migrants in the Rio Grande raises concern among activists in Tamaulipas – El Sol de México

The death of two migrants in the Rio Grande, It has activists from Matamoros, Tamaulipas, in anguish, since the number of crossings and arrivals at this border is increasing, which increases the possibility of more deaths occurring.

“It is a terrible situation that is happening with these people (…) It is something that is increasing and that they have us truly distressed since people continue crossing, despite the danger,” Glady Cañas Aguilar, the president of the association Helping them to Triunfar, Tamaulipas chapter, told El Sol de Tampico.

This publishing house reported on December 21 that a group of people made up of Haitians and Venezuelans They ventured to cross this tributary in a muddy area covered in lilies and garbage. Their objective was to reach North American territory and surrender to the immigration authorities, although two of them drowned.

This week the body of a man appeared floating in the Bravo River and due to the area in which it was found, it is presumed that it could be one of the people who drowned when trying to reach the United States.

According to some witnesses, the body, which apparently belongs to a man, is found near where the tragedy occurred last Thursday.

Cañas Aguilar, who accompanied the migrants from the camp in Matamoros at their Christmas party thanks to the support of a Christian organization, demanded the intervention of the authorities since more and more people are arriving with the intention of crossing the river.

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“They tell me that they come from Reynosa and that in Reynosa they are told that here it is easier to surrender and that they are processed faster, many Haitians are arriving from Reynosa, we did not have so much presence from the Haitian community,” he revealed.

The activist constantly goes to the river to plead with the migrants not to take risks and assures that both she and her colleagues are concerned about the situation.

He highlighted that sometimes people can only act as spectators of this tragedy since Jumping into the river to try to save someone represents one more person in danger of death.

“These are situations that arise at the moment, sometimes there is not a thread or a stick to help them and it is very desperate to see a person who is drowning and one cannot do anything,” he indicated.

Likewise, the president of the civil association, Ayudiendoles a Triunfar, Tamaulipas Chapter, pointed out that in the last case where two people drowned in the Rio Grande, the Mexican staff said that I couldn’t look for the bodies because these allegedly remained in North American territory.

“They explained to me that it is difficult to rescue the bodies because the Haitian and the Venezuelan were in the United States area, unfortunately the area where they entered is a muddy area,” he explained.

“Even if firefighters want to enter, they cannot do so because It is an American zone., it would be the American authorities who decide to carry out the rescue work. It is a difficult area, the family has already crossed, the CBP took them on foot,” he added.

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Meanwhile, personnel from the Tamaulipas Prosecutor’s Office appeared this morning in the area of ​​the Bravo River to attest to the body that floated and that could correspond to one of the migrants who drowned last week.

According to Immigration authorities, In Tamaulipas there is a flow of at least 10 thousand migrants who seek to enter the United States legally through the CBP One application or illegally by crossing the Rio Grande, where 2 drowned last week.

Originally published in The Sun of Tampico

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