Director of Sanctioning Procedures of the INE resigns – El Sol de México

Cintia Campos Garmendia this day he presented his resigns from the position of director of Special Sanctioning Procedures of the National Electoral Institute (INE), confirmed Guadalupe Taddei Zavalapresiding advisor of the electoral referee.

The resignation occurs in the midst of controversy over the alterations of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador’s statements against the presidential candidate. Xochitl Galvezin two projects supervised by Garmendia Fieldswhich led to the prohibition of head of the Federal Executive talk about Gálvez, however, Taddei Zavala rejected that Campos Garmendia’s resignation was due to pressure regarding the case.

You can also read: Xóchitl Gálvez defends himself against López Obrador for statements against him during morning sessions

“We have to see how it is going to be replaced. There is a headline there, you have to listen to his opinion and I I don’t know of any pressure I’ve seems risky to talk about pressures. Resignations are always individual and voluntary. When they are presented, this is what the writings state,” said the president advisor.

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Taddei Zavala He said that it will be reviewed if it is necessary to make adjustments in the Directorate of Special Sanctioning Procedures so that the phrases of officials are not altered and are applied to them. precautionary measures: “It can never happen, with anyone,” he said.

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