Displaced by violence in Chiapas “is not significant”, AMLO – El Sol de México

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador assured during the morning presidential conference that the violence in Chiapas “has calmed down” and that the number of people who have had to leave their communities due to the presence of organized crime “is not significant.”

The president explained that the acts of violence that have occurred in that area of ​​the country are due to organized crime groups looking for a way to pass.

However, López Obrador pointed out that it is being attended to with the presence of the National Guard, the Army and with the construction of a new highway. that will allow people looking to travel to do so directly to Tuxtla Gutiérrez, avoiding going through Comitán and San Cristóbal

Before representatives of the media, in the Treasury room, the president said that there are “very few” those displaced by the violence.

“We are waiting and the situation has calmed down quite a bit. We have presence. “I don’t have the data (of displaced people) who have left, but it is not significant.” López Obrador assured.

On the issue of alleged acts of corruption by Rafael Coello Zetina, current general secretary of agreements, accused of nepotism and cronyism, the president pointed out that it is an indicator of the need for a reform of the Judiciary.

He added that during past governments, the Judiciary was handed over to the National Action Party.

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He explained that due to this situation, the reform initiative that he sent to Congress proposes creating a court for judges, magistrates and ministers, in addition to having them elected by the citizens.

Accompanied by the Secretaries of the Interior, Luis María Alcalde, and the Secretariat of Welfare, Ariadna Montiel, López Obrador affirmed that in the Judiciary there is not only impunity, but also that loyalties and consciences are bought to grant concessions and allow nepotism.

He emphasized that in this way a network of complicities and compromises was built. “How do we Mexicans solve this? Well, we need a Judiciary without corruption and without influence, where judges and magistrates act with rectitude.”

Finally, AMLO commented that the revocation of the mandate every three years for legislators, municipal presidents, governors and whoever occupies the Presidency of the Republic, are part of the changes to advance in a participatory democracy.

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