Edomex activates Phase 1 of Environmental Contingency – El Sol de México

The Environment Secretariat of the State of Mexico activated Phase I of Environmental Contingency due to particles in the Metropolitan Zone of Toluca and Santiago Tianguistenco.

Through a statement, the environmental authorities reported that the activation of the phase was due to the fact that on December 25, maximum values ​​of 134 and 109 micrograms per cubic meter of concentration of PM2.5 particlesat the stations Almoloya de Juárez and San Mateo Atenco in the municipalities of the same name.

The above was derived from the burning of pyrotechnics and the presence of atmospheric stability and thermal inversion and meteorological conditions.

Likewise, maximum values ​​of 204 and 131 micrograms per cubic meter of concentration of PM10 particles were recorded at the same atmospheric monitoring stations.

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The actions in Phase I of Atmospheric Environmental Contingency are activated in compliance with the Agreement establishing the Program for Attention to Atmospheric Environmental Contingencies in the Metropolitan Area of ​​the Toluca Valley and the Metropolitan Area of ​​Santiago Tianguistenco. Among which are:

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