Elections 2024: printing ballots in 2024 cost twice as much as in 2018 – El Sol de México

Print the 312 million ballots for the choice federal of 2024 will cost twice as much as in 2018, since the National Electoral Institute (INE) will pay 1.60 pesos for each ballot, when in the choice Almost six years ago, each ballot cost 74 cents.

The INE Electoral Organization Commissionchaired by counselor Martín Faz, reported the price that the tickets for the choice next year in which the presidency of the Republic, federal deputies and senators will be renewed will be 1.60 pesos, while in 2018 the then president of the same commission, Marco Baños, specified that each ballot had a cost of 76 cents.

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He total cost for printing the ballots in 2024 will amount to 580 million 421 thousand 944 pesos, according to data from the Electoral Organization Commissionwhile in 2018 the expense for this item amounted to 210 million 160 thousand pesos.

The one who spending on tickets be greater in this electoral process is also due to the fact that more people will votesince in 2018 there were 89.1 million people registered in the Nominal List of Voters and by 2024 there are, so far, 97 million 658 thousand 418 people, so the number of ballots also increased.

As in 2018, the printing of the ballots will be carried out by Talleres Graphicos de México, a company that together with Gráficas Corona JE accounted for the printing of 68 percent of the ballots. tickets of the 2021 and 2022 elections, according to information published by El Sol de México in its December 26 edition. The federal elections will be held next July 4.

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