Faisy closes a great year for his career: “I am in my best moment” – El Sol de México

Faisy, the host of the improvisation program Me Caigo de Laughter, which next March enters its tenth year on the air, closes 2023 at the head of all the projects he has wanted.

He starred in the play Escape Room and released the singles Te proponego, with Román, and is about to release Perverso, with Luis Ángel El Flaco.

“Being real and knowing who I am, because I am still the same Faisy, who is immersed in music, acting, and driving,” is his secret to maintaining a solid career, he declares in an interview with El Sol de México.

“It’s been three decades of working everywhere. I am in the best moment of my career having programs like Me Caigo de Laughter, celebrating 15 years on the radio, being right now with Escape Room, alongside Alejandra Barros, Juan Martín Jaúregui, Paly Duval.

“I’m working on the projects I always wanted and with the people I always wanted to share a painting with. This makes me very happy and it is always very nice to be recognized for your time in the world of entertainment,” she adds.

Regarding music, he will continue looking for collaborations, he anticipates. “I looked for Edwin Luna and La Trakalosa, I also love Pee Wee, my friends Michelle Rodríguez, Regina Blandón, La Josa (María José), El Recodo, because Poncho Lizárraga is my great friend and I also want to collaborate with Karol Sevilla and Érika Zaba, now that he is no longer going on tour with OV7.

“I love having fun, composing and producing songs with my friends that I know, that I admire and who also produce something beautiful for me; Beyond making a collaboration, we know that they are doing it in music,” she details.

Faisy, whose real name is Omar Pérez Reyes, graduated in Communication Sciences and started in music as a member of the group Perfiles. Also this year, he had his first presentation at the Lunario, but now he intends to go further.

“If you tell me that I would like to set foot on the Lunario again, I’d better set the National Auditorium as my goal and of course I wouldn’t go alone, I’ll take my friends from my collaborations. I also want to go on tour, either with my music or continue with my colleagues from Escape Room throughout the country, or with my colleagues from Me Caigo de Laughter, like in recent years.


The driver and performer, when reflecting on the hardest part of the race, warns that “this part of collaboration and being in a group has cost me a lot of work.

“I started on Tv Azteca, in the group Perfiles, singing, acting, dancing, facing the fact that if I was in one company they wouldn’t let me work in the other, or suddenly they told me ‘he sings, he doesn’t act, why is he dancing?’ if he hosts programs’.

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“That’s what I have faced since the results are sometimes not what you expect, that people understand that in this world there are many options and we are responsible for what we consume. The whole process, the whole path is full of surprises and I am very grateful to the people who have supported me, my friends and to life itself.”

The host of Fox Sport, where he started in sports entertainment, acknowledges that he opened spaces in his current company, Televisa. “I was one of the first, when no one knew me, to make a program like Me Caigo de Larisa, with the support of Lalo Suárez, whose content is about board games. And among the first to have their own programs were Michelle Rodríguez (40 and 20) and Ricardo Margaleff (Una familia de ten and ¿Tú crees?), now Mariazel alongside El Compayito and Raúl Araiza in Chócalas Compayito, all of them came from Me I fall laughing. From television we jumped to theater, we have generated a platform for new talents,” he concludes.

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