Elections 2024: who are the candidates of the Frente Amplio in CDMX – El Sol de México

Two capital mayors and a federal deputy They will fight the place that the alliance PAN-PRI-PRD has to compete in 2024 at the Head of Government in Mexico City.

Yesterday each political party received a registration at its national headquarters: the coordinator of the deputies PRD members, Luis Espinosa Cházaroenrolled in the PRD; he mayor licensed in Benito Juárez, Santiago Taboadahe did it in BREAD and the mayor licensed in Cuajimalpa, Adrian Rubalcavaattended the PRI.

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Prior to the start of the internal selection process, the BREAD had already defined its sole candidate, since the mayor of Álvaro Obregón, Lía Limón, and senator Kenia López Rabadán renounced their aspiration for the head of Government to support Taboada. Yesterday the PRI decided the same, since the other candidate, the Congresswoman Cynthia López Castro, declined in favor of Rubalcava.

The first to register was Luis Espinosa Cházaro. The legislator respected the tradition of “PRD schedule”, because his presentation before a group of militants and representatives of the media was delayed. Jesus Zambranonational leader of Democratic Revolution Partyreceived the registration of Cházaro.

“Unity in the coalition Goes through Mexicois what is required today, unity in freedom, unity in democracy, unity in non-imposition. We want women, men, diversity in this city to be able to choose who they want in this coalition,” the federal deputy stressed.

He offered that, if he is not elected the front candidate, he will give his support to whoever is selected in a democratic and open process and confirmed that he prefers to live alongside the flags of democracy “than to live kneeling in front of a tyranny, be it a tyranny inside or outside.”

Later it was the turn of Santiago Taboada. It was registered in the auditorium of the National Executive Committee (CEN) of the BREADin front of militants of the PAN, PRD and PRI, who carried flags of each party and shouted “head of government” and “chief Taboada.”

“Say to Clara Brugada (aspirant of Brunette to CdMx) that I am going to win the Mexico City because more than 20 thousand people in Iztapalapa have told me (…) They have told us one thing, that they want their neighborhoods and their mayor’s office to look more like Benito Juárez and that is what we are going to give to the city. May inequality end in this city and let us begin to level the playing field,” said Taboada.

He panista It reminded him of Adrián Rubalcava and Luis Cházaro “that the enemy is outside” and not in the internal process.

“I want to tell you something, to all the colleagues who sign up for this process, Luis already did it this morning. Chazaro, to whom I spoke personally to wish him success. Later, he will surely do so in the PRI, Adrián Rubalcava“, that the enemy is not at home, that the adversary is outside, his name is Morena and that they are not going to divide us, that we are not going to fall into any provocation that divides this Front,” he said. Taboada.

The last to register was Adrián Rubalcava. “I come to formally deliver my registration here to the CEN of the PRI to register as a pre-candidate for the Head of Government of Mexico City, “I am convinced that I am the best option in this alliance, that I have the best government results, that I have forcefully demonstrated my ability to make this city a better place,” he said.

He highlighted that the three main axes to win the city are reconciliationinclusion and consensus.

“I Adrián Rubalcava can handle the challenge, I Adrián Rubalcava I have clean hands“I assume responsibly for all the love of my party, my city and my country and I will be fighting until I become head of government,” he said.

The three were accompanied by the national and local leaders of each party and other figures from the capital’s politics, such as the former head of government and now senator, Miguel Ángel Mancera and the current mayors of Azcapotzalco, Tlalpan, Miguel Hidalgo and Magdalena Contreras.

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Tomorrow the Coalition Governing Body, which is made up of the three national leaders, will issue an opinion to choose the appropriate records. It will then organize four debates possibly after the long weekend on November 20.

At the end there will be a survey, with its respective mirror exercises, to choose the profile that will compete in the 2024 elections against Clara Brugada, from Morena, and Salomón Chertorivsky, from Movimiento Ciudadanoby head of government.

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