Enjambre faces the challenge of changing pace for the album Noches de salon – El Sol de México

Since its foundation in 2001 the Swarm gang had been focused on rock, but last year they had the opportunity to explore other sounds, inspired by mambo, danzón and cha-chachá, on their acoustic album “Noches de salon”, composed of remakes of their own songs.

Rafael Navejasbassist of the group, explained that after this reunion with their songs, they will take advantage of those learnings for future productions, and will continue their exploration of other rhythms.

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“We have new tools in our production backpack, a lot of learning when playing new instruments, and having explored music different from what we are used to,” he said.

The musician added that the realization of his album, “without a doubt it affected us for life, when it came to creating music“We already have a much broader panorama, new work tools and more knowledge, that will be for the better.”

About him process of having worked on his own compositionsthe bassist pointed out that it was relatively simple, because from the beginning they glimpsed the place they wanted to reach with that material.

“We are clear about the concept of what we want to achieve and communicate, we demand that we achieve it. We definitely left our comfort zone. We are very used to the rock format, drums, electric bass, electric guitar and keyboards, we left that comfort zone and started to learn new instruments, such as percussion instruments.”

They prepare an artistic show

Enjambre is preparing to be part of the Caminante Fest 2024, which will be held in San Martín de Las Pirámides, behind the pyramid of the Moon in Teotihuacán. According to Rafael, it is a pleasure for them to perform there, because their Mexican fans are very fond of them.

“He State of Mexico is a place where historically we have been received very well“We have an audience that loves us very much, they always have a very good atmosphere, we have high expectations of the experience we are about to live.”

With respect to setlistannounced that they selected songs that were in accordance with the atmosphere of an open-air festival, and right next to the pyramids of Teotihuacan. Likewise, they will take advantage of the fact that they are one of the last acts on the lineup, to offer a more complete show.

“We will do more artistic things, including the main part which is the sound, but also the visual. Help us with the lights, and the visuals of the screens and all that. It’s how we think about that balance when making a repertoire for this type of presentations,” she concluded.

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