Perreo is not for falling in love: Kalimba – El Sol de México

For Kalimbathe digital platforms They are important, however, not essential. She expressed this position after her opinion was questioned regarding the decision that Universal Music removed the musical content of its artists from the streaming platform. TikTokbecause there is no adequate remuneration for the artist and there is also no regulated use of artificial intelligence.

“I would never dare to give an opinion on the decision of people who are in the position to make that decision, never because the information that I might have would be almost zero, I am stuck with having more of my guitar in hand than knowing what happens on the platforms, so I have little information by my own decision,” said the singer in Press conference.

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“But that’s it, I know that today is important, I don’t think that the platforms are going to lose importance, on the contrary, they are going to have more relevance, but I had the blessing of being born in a time when they did not even exist and That never stopped humanity. I do not detract from them, I think they will become more and more important, but being important does not make them indispensable.“The most important thing an artist has through managers, PR and others is to reach the public and today there are millions of doors to reach,” he added.

He recognizes that each of these platforms maximizes the work of artists, many of them have even had viral hits due to the immediacy they can handle, but for him, Far from focusing on followers or having its songs be the most listened to, Kalimba seeks to reach the hearts of many people.

“Nothing satisfies the real artist more, the one who wants to create art, not followers, but what matters most to me is bringing my music to the people who want to listen to me.

“We don’t have to drown in a glass of water, I consider that it is the decision they made, the right decision, they will know, but I am dedicated to making music that reaches the hearts and they will know how to take it,” he expressed.

The 41-year-old artist met with the media to share the premiere of his recent single “Déjame Amarte”, now available on Spotify.

This song was born seven years ago when he had a disappointment in love, it was until now that, after having the support of Universal, After being an independent artist, he was able to launch it.

“I am very worried that romance is lost, that everything becomes so momentary, there are things that are momentary, entertainment is that, nights with friends, trips, that is momentary, but there are things that today we adults know are kept in the heart forever, that turns us into loving or spiteful adults.

“Our culture in general does influence the education and decisions of many people, for me it is very important to sing to people so that they fall in love with beauty again. Perreo is for fun, not to make you fall in love. and this song is to make you fall in love,” he said.

On the other hand, this year, Kalimba will celebrate its 20 years of career with a concert in Pepsi Center in Mexico City on May 23.

This will be the first time you present your K20 Tour where he will take a tour of each of his stages as a singer, both as a group and as a soloist.

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